landscapes into abstract realms

Where nature and mysticism meet, transforming

Limited Edition Print

‘Anima Mundi’

The World’s Soul

‘Cherry Cherry’

Limited Edition Print

There are many moments we patiently wait for in life, so that we may experience the magic that those moments impart. The annual joy of cherry blossom season is one such moment, which led me to create this artwork from a photograph using layers of technical processing.
It is a celebration of renewal, life and the transient beauty of a flower in bloom.

Limited Edition Print, ‘Gabriel’.

A capture of my Magnolia Tree in bloom, petals falling like feathers as the sun filters through.

As an artist

my interior world has always felt vibrant and expressive. This translates through to my art, which is a very cathartic process that allows me to explore and create a potential that doesn't exist materially - yet.